Saturday, May 30, 2009

Out of Town

We traveled home to IN yesterday for my brothers graduation which is tomorrow. I have not worked out but I have been trying to watch my food portions.....will be back to the Shred on Monday!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Workin out at 9pm

I can't believe it, I went all day and I was just going to skip today because my mom is in town and we headed out this morning to do some garage saleing! I got some awesome stuff btw!
SO I went about my day thinking I was skipin out but I was just getting ready to go to bed and I thought....Haley, go put your stuff on and get your work out in! SO...I did! I am glad that I did! IT feels really good! Now I am off to shower and bed! :yawn:
Breakfast-oatmeal with a little b.sugar and walnuts, coffee and non fat creamer
Lunch-special k bar(200 cal), 1/2 turkey sandwhich, yogurt..... I say lunch but this was all spread out through like a 5 hour time span
Snack -apple and p.butter
Dinner- 2/3 cup of brown rice (180 cal), a few pieces of italian sausage and veggies, very fillling not very many calories

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 22

I REALLY REALLY REALLY had to make myself work out this morning. I started cleaning to get out of it. That is something! But I did, I just put my stuff on, put the kid down for a nap and did it! Now that I am done, I am so glad that I did. Everyday gets harder, I have to keep pushing myself. But I am really proud that I have done it this long. I keep thinking of this summer and how I would really love to wear a two piece again. So that is my goal= a 2 piece swimsuit!
Breakfast-cereal, coffee with fat free creamer =)
Snack-granola bar
Lunch-turkey sandwhich on a bun, cherrio snack pack-I ate the whole bag, it was around 300 calories
Dinner-my Momma is here and we ordered out...Marios sandwhiches! I had total 1 half of a sliced beef sandwhich and mojo's
Those of you reading this probably are thinking...lady, you don't know how to eat healthy and I know. I wake up every morning and think that I will do better...the foods are not the healthiest but I am eating A LOT less than I used to. I used to snack all day. So that is a start right?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm Back!

I didn't give up or quite...I went camping! We had a wonderful weekend! I didn't eat great but I didn't completly give up on working out. I got up early on Saturday and I went for a run. If you know me, you would know that is SO not me. But it was great, I worked up a sweat and got a little "me" time. Sunday we went for a 3 hour hike in the beautiful Penninsula State Park. Here are some pics of our food and hike....

I got up this morning and did my video. I also did it with Ryan on Friday, he says it wasn't that hard...but I think he is just trying to be a macho man. =) I should be on day 24 but since I didn't do it for 3 days I am putting myself on day 21.
Breakfast- Cereal, coffee...going to get sugar free creamer today....I really need to step up the eating healthier deal.
Lunch-english muffin with smart balance butter and p.b., yogurt, string cheese
Dinner- blue cheeseburger and fries- we went out.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Holy Moly level 3

WOW, I tried level 3 today of the Shred, I am on day 18 so I thought I should give it a shot!
I am going to be bikini ready in no time with that level! WHEW.!!!! It rocked. I have never sweat so much in a workout! I heart Jillian!
Breakfast- coffee and cereal

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 17

Started out with my video at 6:45 am. Welcome to Motherhood. =) It seems like I workout earlier and earlier because the more I put it off the more I don't want to do it.
Breakfast- Life cereal, is a brewin!
Lunch-1/2 turkey sandwhich, yogurt, later I had 1/2 a mcchicken from mcd's
Dinner-small chx breast, corn, 1 large scoop of choc chip cookie dough (we had guests and had to get rid of the box in the freezer)
Snack- 3 handfuls of peanuts

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Back on the horse!

Day 16-
I started off the day with my video. It took some MAJOR pushing from myself and the other moms on my board. I had NO motivation. But lookiing at these two pictures sure gives me motivation. I put the outfit from day 1 on and I doesn't look much different but I think I was wrong!~

DAY 16
WOW, looking at those pictures makes me feel really good, I will be eating better today!
Breakfast-Cereal, water
Lunch-1/2 turkey sandwhich, yogurt, carrots and ranch, granola bar for snack
Dinner- (warning: bad) cheeseburger and sweet potatoe fries with one coke and then water. We went to dinner and I can't resist my cheeseburgers! I didn't have any beer though. =)

Monday, May 18, 2009

I have been putting this off...

Well tomorrow will be a new day....this weekend was horrible. Edit: the weekend was GREAT, my eating was horrible. I had pizza, cheeseburgers, chips, ice cream, you name it I had it.....wayyyyy too much beer yesterday which cause me to be a lazy piece of you know what today.

My beverage of choice: for those that care... =)

I didn't do my video yesterday because I take Sundays off. I didn't do it today because I would have thrown up on Jillians face. =( I was supposed to post a 15 day photo today as well but I will be starting fresh with a photo and all tomorrow morning. Sorry to disapoint you! I have disapointed myself. =(

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I got up and did my video....even though Aunt Flow showed this morning. That was fun! ugh....
Breakfast- the usual
Lunch- getting ready to have pizza. shrug...

Friday, May 15, 2009

I can do it!

Ok...everyday I want to do my video less and less. This morning I really thought about just skipping it. BUT I DIDN'T! I thought of the 2 people that read this blog and I know at least one of them reads it for motivation! =) That is enough for me. If I can help just 1 other person to feel better about themself and get off their booty to work out, then it keeps me motivated. So I went to work and sweated my butt off. Quite literally I am working my butt off, it is always the first thing to go...WTH?!?!
Breakfast- The usual
Lunch-Turkey sandwhich, pudding
Dinner- We are headed out the door to have a big juicy cheeseburger and probably too many beers.'s Friday. =) Yep, big fat cheeseburger and I didn't feel bad for it. I had sweet potatoes fries to go with and a couple of beers! =)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A new day

Everyday is a new day right?!? We get to start the day fresh and forget how we might of messed it up yesterday. I got up and again, DID NOT want to do the video but I DID! I am more proud of myself for sticking to that than I am about anything. I am kind of a lazy person...I said it. But I feel soooooo good after I finish for the day. Today was day 11! 4 more days and I have to put up another picture. I sure hope I will be able to tell a difference!
Breakfast- can you guess.... Life cereal, coffee, too much creamer
Lunch-Turkey sandwhich, 3 sugar cookies (they were thin like crackers) and a glass of coke....all compliments of my dear friend Lisa. =)
I came home and had a pudding and a handful of chips...
Dinner-I did good. I had 1/2 a chx brst, 1cup corn, 1 cup brown rice, with a little cheese and A1. Yum! Kept me nice and full for the rest of the night.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm Slipping

I'm slipping on this eating better thing. This is usually how it happens, I do so well for a week or so and then I fall off the band wagon. I really really didn't want to do my video today but I DID!!! Day 10! I put my pants on(from day 1) and I didn't really notice any difference....even though I can see a change in my arms and legs and I "thought" my stomach. =(
Breakfast-Life cereal skim milk, large coffee...too much creamer
Snack-I am sooooo hungry it's ridiculous! I had a FULL turkey sandwhich at 10 am and a granola bar!
Lunch-at 3pm: polish sausage on a bun with mustard
Dinner-small chicken breast with left over rigitoni
I have had 2 pudding cups today too. I have really really really wanted to go get ice cream or cookies or cake or something, so I have had pudding instead. UGH.... I HATE this daily struggle!
WOW: I had a lot of meat today!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's a beautiful life

I am already feeling so much better! I didn't want to do the video today because I am lazy but I pushed myself and I did it! Day 9! Level 2 is still kicking my booty!
Breakfast- Cinnamon Life cereal with skim, Large coffee with you guessed it...too much creamer
Lunch- Half turkey sandwhich, carrots with ranch, yogurt, and granola bar
Snack- 6 handfuls of mini teddy grams (roughly 200 cals)
Dinner- Ok so dinner wasn't so great...we had chips-lots of them, and I had 1.5 polish sausages on buns. I was really full afterwards and kicking myself for the second half. ugh

Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 8

I can't believe it, I have stuck to a workout routine for a WHOLE week! I took one day off in that time and I think that is ok!
I got up this morning and did Level 2 again, it kicked my ass just as it did on Saturday! I am feeling so good though, arms are toner, tummy is smaller, and I just feel better about myself.
Brekfast- Oatmeal with brown sugar and walnuts, diet coke
Snack-small apple with 2tsp natural pbutter
Lunch-1/2 turkey sandwhich, carrots with ranch, granola bar, 1/2 single serving of yogurt
Snack- I was super hungry and had a bowl of life cereal(cinnamon)
Dinner-1 cup baked ziti, 1 cup green beans, 1/2 chx breast
Dessert- 100 cal pudding, yum!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Day 7- I skipped the Shred today, have a day off let my sore ankle heal a little, I will get back to it tomorrow!
This morning my wonderful husband made me homemade donuts for breakfast with a glass of milk! Not the healtiest but it sure was "sweet" =)
Lunch-even worse I had three pieces of pizza. We are working out in the yard....
Dinner- Well today was shot....we had ice cream before dinner and then we had chicken nachos for dinner...go ahead and judge, it was a horrible eating day. But the best Mother's Day yet!
Back to the grind tomorrow!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

my ankle!

Oh my gosh!!!! I got up this morning and knew that I needed to really pump up the workout after last nights dinner fiasco(fun with the friends, bad eating). So I did level 2 of the shred.... Holy moly hard! I liked it though, I felt so good.... Until I got out of the shower and was putting my jeans on. I twisted my ankle and heard 3 loud cracks! I laid on the ground and cried for a good 5 mins. I cried because it hurt but also because I want to keep up my workout and I seriously thought it was broken. It's not but is still throbbing two hours later. :(
Breakfast- large coffee too much cream
Lunch- half turkey sandwhich, granola bar
Dinner-YUMMY! Ryan grilled some chicken and we made grilled chx ceaser salads! 1/2 a chicken, bowel full of lettuce, ceaser dressing, 1 piece of bread as croutons, 1piece of bread with mozz cheese.
Snack-1/2 bag of popcorn

Friday, May 8, 2009


I love Fridays, it means that the hubby is going to be home for two days and it means that the girl and I have swimming together! I really look forward to Fridays!
Day 5-
Breakfast-frosted mini wheats, skim milk, large coffee with tooo much creamer. It happens!
Lunch- mcchicken from McD, granola bar, carrots with ranch
Dinner- here's where things get out of control: we went to friends house for dinner... So.... I had wayyyy too many pretzels with ranch, cheeseburger with bun, potato wedges, pasta salad, 2 reeses no make bars (yum) and 4 beers! Whew I feel gross just writing it all out!
I did the shred though before we went to swim lessons!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 4

Day 4 of the shred and it was slightly easier but not easy by ANY means. My legs are still burning which I assume is a good thing. =) I also went for a mile and a half walk with my neighbor today. So that has to count for something, right?!?
Breakfast- life cereal, skim milk, large coffee with too much creamer ( I dont see getting rid of this treat any time soon)
Lunch-1/2 turkey sandwhich with the usual-turkey, cheese, mustard, pickle...lite st. cheese, yogurt, carrots and ranch, diet coke, and a 100 calorie ice cream cone from Mickey D's. I walked it all off at the park. =)
Dinner-1/2 cup of brown rice, 4 small pieces of thinly sliced sirloin tip, and a 1/2 cup of mixed veggies, glass of skim milk
Ok OK this blog saved me from getting the 3 cookies for a dollar at McD last night but by 9 I was sooooo hungry I could of eaten my arm so...I had a big piece of cornbread. =( Oh yeah I had a granola bar with lunch too.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My legs are on Fire!

Day 3 of the Shred
I woke up soooo sore today. But I got up and I did the video and I thought my legs were literally on fire. WOW! Feels good though!
Breakfast- life cereal, skim milk, small coffee-too much cream
Snack-granola bar and Diet Coke
Lunch-Power Bar, 12 oz slushie(oops), 3 pieces of turkey, 1 slice of cheeder cheese, 8 carrots and ranch
Snack-handful of Ella's puffs, 1/2 bag of popcorn
Dinner- I was bad...we had free KFC coupons, I was going to get corn and green beans as my side but they wouldn't let me choose my side, so I had mashed potatoes, 2 pieces of GRILLED chicken, 1.5 biscuits with no butter, and I shared a Mt. Dew with Ry. I know, I know, not the best dinner. I will do better tomorrow.
I feel a little disapointed with today. I was so hungry and I snacked a lot. I need to get healthier things to snack on.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I'm Losing IT!

The fat that is! I have started this blog to journal my weight loss/challenges! I have ALWAYS struggled with my weight, pretty much every single day of my that I had a baby and gained 50 pounds while doing so I really need to work at feeling better about myself. is where I begin.

The is all the hype on my Mommy board. We even have a daily check in. I got it in the mail yesterday and couldn't wait to start. It is a 30 day program with 3 levels. It is fairly "simple" moves but it Kicks your ASS! It feels really good to work like that again! Soo....I bought a pair of pants yesterday that I can button but with a pretty nasty muffin top, they hang in my closet to remind me that is what I am working for. I can't believe I am doing this but here is a very unflattering picture of my "trouble" area...the mid section. I will post another picture on day 15 and then again on day 30.

I can't believe I just put that on the internet, but I am hoping it will make me stick with my new plan.
No weight loss blog is complete without a food portion:
Tuesday May 5:
Breakfast- Cinnamon Life cereal with skim milk, Large iced coffee with wayyyy too much creamer
Lunch-1/2 turkey sandwhich-3 pieces of turkey=30cal, 1 piece of chedder cheese=60cal, mustard=0cal...8 carrots(would of been 10 but Ryan Joe ate 2) with ranch....Boston Creme Pie yogurt=110cal...water
Snack-3/4 bag of popcorn
Dinner-small porkchop with A1, a bite of stuffing, large piece of cornbread, mixed veggies...vanilla pudding and a glass of milk....1 beer after baby went to bed..
Not a horrible 1st day
Video- Level 1, day 2, still kicked my butt but didn't hurt as bad as yesterday, improvement already...this is good!